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In recent years, attracted by

已有 101 次阅读2011-10-24 13:53 | recent, years

In recent years, attracted by

the advantages of migration Famous Painting Reproductionfor employment in Australia more and more students, resulting in rapid increase in the number of applicationsto Australia, but Australia's relatively small number of schoolsoil painting Reproduction , only 37 public universities and three private universities, carrying capacity is limited, leading to the school admission criteria continue to increase, merit has become increasingly apparent. If you go to study vacuum forming machinein Australia, in general, the annual matriculation fee of $ 120,000 yuan, about living sixty thousand yuan; undergraduate tuition at the required -15 year 130,000 yuan, living sixty thousand yuan. Australia rwaterjet cutting machineequires a security deposit in the amount of 400,000 to 800,000 yuan, mainly based on choosing to study in different ways, security deposit amount will be different. Requirements guarantees the existence of a period of six months. If ready money, but in the end bronze sculpturefound the time savings is not enough, you can apply for study loans, and loans from funds in Australia for the survival period is not required. Currently, the Minsheng Bank, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, Shenzhen Development Bank, Construction Bank, Bank of China, CITIC Bank, Industrial and Commercial Bank have provided a bank loan business. If you are in Beijing, the China Scholarship same day handle loan applications, the same day can loan out, and specific loan-out to the amount of financial security depends on the situation. Financial security, the need for loans is not enough for six months, such as financial guarantees required five hundred thousand yuan, if you have one hundred thousand yuan to save up the deposit period of six months, you can lend four hundred thousand yuan. Australia undergraduate students need to provide more than six hundred thousand yuan of economicstudy in china security, more than six months before a visa bank deposits or time deposits do not choose a bank loan (cash pledge or mortgage). In addition to guarantees on overseas study for students who have language performance is also very important part of Australia studying in chinaIELTS 5 or more, supporting the application for pre-surgical intensive undergraduate curriculum. Australian study of economic security is a very important part of the Australian visa, Australian immigration sinceChinese Universities Scholarships 2006, the removal of material requirements planning study in Australia, it indicates that Australia's economic capacity to become the core of the most critical student visa points. Australia's security deposit is to allow the Australian Chinese ** ScholarshipsDepartment of Immigration believes that students who have the financial strength of the family to take students in learning basic living expenses in Australia, in order to avoid a shortage of funds in Australia because the Australian society of a negative social impact. All in all, the Australian **china university hopes the applicant can show that studying in Australia to have sufficient funds to ensure the legitimate cost of normal living and learning. United States 1 application form and attachments: the university applied for over the form mailed to you or downloaded from the Internet on the official form. 2 high school / college transcripts (in Chinese and English): need to apply scholarship in chinafor undergraduate school transcripts. All transcripts need to cover the school seal. 3 degree qualifications to prove (in Chinese and English): need to cover the school seal. 4 individual school or work resume (in English). 5 letters of recommendation (generally three): people who have work experience at least one letter of recommendation from a work unit, the china schoolbest results is to write your boss. 6.TOEFL and / or GRE or GMAT score: request is sent directly from the United States, the official test center results. Recommendation letter format 7 Personal Statement (PS) or learning programs: Most schools require students to write at least one PS (Personal Statement). 8. Proof of funds: scholarships for students who do not at least cover the full cost of funding mattress machinea year proved to be

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