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Midsummer Fire Festival Kicks Off Today

已有 139 次阅读2011-7-6 10:46

The Midsummer Fire Festival has returned to World of Warcraft! The celebration kicks off today and runs until July 5 at midnight PDT. As always, our friends over at Wowhead have an extensive Midsummer Fire Festival Guide to help you earn all of your achievements and items.Throughout the next two weeks, wow gold guide you can visit the bonfires that are spread throughout Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms, Outland and Northrend to earn experience and gold. You can also complete quests to earn Burning Blossoms, which can be turned in for items like a summer outfit and a Captured Flame companion. You can even queue up in the Dungeon Finder to face Lord Ahune for a chance at some epic loot.

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Shah told CNBC-TV18, "Graphite India makes electrodes that are used in steel production. One of the six producers in the world, so it is a concentrated industry on a worldwide basis. Graphite India is expected to deliver in our view at least 20% growth in earnings over next two years actually it is more than that. graphite rotor A large chunk of it will come from volume but there are also likely to be price improvement as the global leader Graftech has announced a price increase coming up in a few months from now."

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