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rrent status of Ha

已有 161 次阅读2011-8-20 15:36

..Our plan is to work through five years, to ...., focusing on cultivating the growth and development of ... good, competitive, technological advantages are obvious, with strong independent innovation ability and development potential of the growth of small and medium  vibram five fingers review te economic development of new growth pole. 

    Hangzhou Venture Capital Fund now has reached ... billion yuan, the money will be equity to venture capital firms, and venture capital firms in Ha  cheap oakley sunglassestnd profits declHangzhd on export-oriented econoindustrial enterprises, to creangzhou guide for new high-tech enterprises to invest. In addition, Hangzhou is also preparing to establish an industrial fund in order to activate the growth of new industries. 

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    Reporter: Hangzhou current overall economic situation in what situation? Financial crisis What is the impact of Hangzhou?

    Shen Jian: We analyze the economic situation of the time, and feel the resistance from the market is very large, especially in cities such as Hangzhou, base mbt shoes sale my, high dependence on foreign trade, and we were then based on free trade export-oriented, so the financial crisis, the international market is weak, reducing the case of international orders,    True religion  ou, the degree of injury is much greater than other cities. 

    Reporter: Hangzhou has always been known as the "silk", "Women of all", after the financial crisis, the textile industry has also seen a decline in orders a  true religion jeansine, the high inventory, a series of problems of fund shortage, the silk industry, the current status of Hangzhou How? 

Shen Jian: I am only in charge of industry, also served as the development of Hangzhou silk head of women's leadership group. Practically speaking, texair max 95 ile, silk, clothing, relatively speaking, or are traditional industries, the financial crisis on the textile, garment, silk relatively large degree of influence, our preliminary statistics a bit, about ..% to ..% of the companies in trouble , due to reduced orders, the market decline, business in a cut-off, semi cut-off condition, a significant decline in efficiency. There is a very important reason, we are now the textile, silk, garment enterprises are relying on some OEM, processing, so by the international financial crisis, the impact of foreign orders by is particularly prominent. 


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