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Oakley Sunglasses

已有 116 次阅读2011-9-6 08:43 |个人分类:Oakley Sunglasses| Oakley, Sunglasses

ut the girl is fierce resistance, let his action can not succeed. Delays In her when I see the struggle of the girl's face, can not help surprised, because the girl is LiuFei son, DuLi good friend. I grass! LiuFei son not have a boyfriend? How is this guy all here, I feel strange and heart of the anger, the last time a no will that guy lesson, this time god's eyes, enough to give sufficient me the opportunity. I quickly approaching, and then the Cheap Oakley Sunglasses LinBing from behind a feet to tread the open, and this guy he was hit in the car, and then a yamaha on the fall in the ground, alarm immediately rang. I can't help infinity, not the kui is a foreign goods ah, even the voice of the alarms are so big, if domestic must not so deafening. He painful Oakley Sunglasses climb from the ground up, not the reaction come over what happened, I don't give him any chance, to his belly and kicks the ball. He rolled in the ground for two laps, the crying, "spare my life, my hero wrong, pass me, I won't." This guy is really can't help playing ah, just so once give up, for this Oakley Sunglasses Cheap kind of person many say it's no use, only mercilessly beat. He miserably of looking at me, tears in her eyes and spun, "eldest brother, you are the mask of the right, I will help the girl to you, you don't play..." I slowly walked over, gentle holding his face, and then a boxing was hit him in the face Reebok ZigTech immediately, I his mama hate this by his good looks deceive people....... The girl About 10 to beat a minute, this guy is me a silly, face blood, can saying is straight risk recognition. I dumped ShuaiShou, have never thought beat a person also tired. I finished the I just looked at LiuFei son, I beat a person in the ZigTech Sale process of all her quietly watching, should very and enjoy. She was a little messy, has been watching me, light said 1: "thank you." Then quickly left the place, also don't know she recognized me not. I turned around and looked at her to leave to find the snow on the ground that squat down his chin, I found that Reebok ZigTech Sale I looked at me, her eyes smile happily of say: "you continue to beat ah, you beat a person's appearance is quite handsome." . Chapter eighty-five you want to...... I depend!!!!! She is not drunk? Look at her like this now is very clear,, is she just drunk all pack out? Snow obviously know what I want to say what, Oakley Sunglassses Active pointing to a few collapses behind her said: "if I get drunk, you can so smooth beat a person?" I took a quick one eye, the ground the capricious ravine of lay several guy, dead, should be charmed, I couldn't help but fear after a bit, but this guy and LinBing help, but luckily no let them join battle, or Reebok Zigtech I also really will be cloudy also perhaps. I'm more surprise snow means, and could even silent in between these guys will be put down, really a little skill, her most of the fans with yao. I feel out of the cell phone to ask her: "snow, you still have no fan yao? Give me a little." Snow said: "yes,


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