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My Opinion on Relationship with Roommates-spun14

已有 33 次阅读2013-6-20 13:45 | designer scarv, cheap louis vu

My Opinion on Relationship with Roommates
Hello,everyone.I am delighted to be here and give a speech . Today,I am going to talk about the relationship with roommates.
Recently , Huang`death has gained many people`s attention .It is reported that he died of toxic chemistry in drinking water , which was thrown by his roommate . Apparently , it is a big misfortune . And there is an item of microblog ,which reads ??I am lucky to be alive now for my roommates` kindness .?? It is obviously an ironic comment on this matter . For college students ,it is roommates who maybe the closet people for them .So , how get along well with roommates is of great importance .But how to ? Here I w ill give some suggestions.
The primary way is to communicate . As we know ,no one in the world can read minds . If you do not communicate with your roommates ,they do not know what you are thinking about .And that may be where the problems lie . You can know about your roommates` habits , lifestyles , backgrounds ,beliefs and so on by communicating ,and when problems or conflicts appear ,you can do accordingly . The next is one is not to avoid problems. When you find there are problems between your roommates and you ,do not avoid it .You should face up with it ,cheap louis vuitton outlet,because it ensures that those little things will not chang into big ones. The last one is to respect. Respect your roommates and your their stuff as well . Treat your roommates like you `d like to be treated .Pay attention to take anything with permission and return it timely .
Well ,roommates play great roles in college students` life . They have dinner together .They have classes together .Having a roommate is an opportunity to learn yourself , perhaps ,designer scarves for women,to make a friend .Persons should be friendly with roommates ,but do not expect to be best friends .Don`t go into your roommates relationship thinking that you are going to be best friends for the time you are at school. It may happen ,but excepting it sets both of you up for trouble. You should bu friendly to your roommates ,but also make sure you have your own social circles.
That is all.Thank you for listening .

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