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The basic confirmation of vocabulary-2-spun4

已有 31 次阅读2013-6-20 14:05 | replica louis, Hermes AAA

We all know that affixation is one of the basic confirmation of vocabulary ,another two are compounding and conversion .I am willing to give a briefly introduction or understanding about affixation ,it may be surficial and seems childish ,but i am glad to share my opinion with you .

????It is widely acknowledged that affixation including two parts ??prefix and suffix .As to affixation ,many of them were brought from foreign countries such as Latin??Romanic??french and grace and so on .another origin is old english ,many affixation as ??beSo you can easily see that the origin of affixation is various and hence the expression of one meaning can be different .We could say someone is a filmnik just means he is a man who is crazy about film or fond of watching movies .To some extend ,Hermes AAA,affixation has broaden our horisons and enriched our life .What??s more ,it helps us get rid of the embarrassing situation of reusing the same words in our composition and communication with others .

????Another advantage of affixation is ambiguity.For example ??childish and bookish ;The former ??ish?? means something or somebody likes something ,in other words you can see the shadows from it ;While the latter means nearly or almost .This is what I am going to talk about -----ambiguity ;Therefore ,we have to pay much attention to the translation if we want to express the exactly meaning.Take the suffix ??er??for example ,what would you think about ?Of course there is no business with performer or actor in action movies,it simply means action movies .

????The third advantage is marching with the time .We all live in a rapidly developing world,with the development of the technology and economy ,we have to update the vocabulary in order to meet our demand ,such as electronic changed into ??e??.In this way ,we could make it shorter and terse ,and we also save a lot of time .At the fundemental,we human beings made many new vocabularies ,like e-book;e-tailing ;e-cash ;e-card and so on .Now not only our human accept it ,but also it has been indexed into dictionary and spread rapidly .

??????Another advantage that we should attach great importance to and cannot ignore is derivation .There are two forms of the derivation ,one is free root which added with affixes ;for instance:indefinite,unforgettable ;the other is bounding root ,replica louis vuitton jewellery,only by attaching to another root can it be used .Such as :descend ??distinctive ??predictable.Maybe you think that the structure of the derivation is comparatively easy and you can easily find many words in our daily life and test books .But pay more attention to the meaning of the new words which come from by changing the basic words .Because they are complex ??deceptive and confusing .For example ,distinctive ??distinction ;Sometimes you nearly could not tell them apart according to the Chinese explanation unless look them up in english dictionary.Indeed ,they have the close meaning in some situations.

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