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已有 109 次阅读2013-6-17 11:06 | Oakley Sunglas

BIG PAYOFF IN THE DESERT: The Marty Foroughi Desert http://www.cvillewords.com/Michael-Kors-Canada.html Classic coming up January 2428 at Mission Hills in California has annouced a $5k purseNCC OPEN SINGLES: Derek Wassink took the championship flight of the NCC Singles event held at the National Croquet Center January 78. Full standings2013 GC WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP: The WCF released a 10year document which outlines WCF tournaments for the next decade. and more specifically the West CoastALMAN'S FAVORITES: Bob Alman posted a gallery of alltime favorite croquet photos on the Croquet World websiteCA COACH OF THE YEAR: The Croquet Association is asking for nominations for CA Coach of the Year by January 31. Open played at Mission Hills in Rancho Mirage, California. Report located here.

Hi Guy, I agree with your conclusion here (as you know); Anscombe tries to move from one narrow set of concepts to another and as such is a move that should be resisted (insofar as the concepts of ought, duty, right. etc. can be more promisingly developed than she thinks). Anyway, I've got a few reflections on the paper I'd like to offer, especially as concerns her case for jettisoning the moral ought and its correlates. Let's suppose she's broadly right in thinking that it is rise of Christianity and it's associated 'divine law' ethics that explain why our present set of moral concepts http://townwalworthny.com/Oakley.html is distinct from Aristotle's. Even if this is true, I'm dubious that we should conclude, as she does, that in a secular society, 'ought' has no 'sense' or 'truth value' (and instead just a psychological force) simply because the tenets of the framework (divine law ethics) within which the concept was originally employed was left behind. A generalization of her suggestion is that in the absence of an allegiance to whatever framework it was for which some concept X was introduced as an essential element, X as a concept loses its sense. A reductio for this generalization might be something like this: suppose the concept 'determinism' was originally introduced when it was needed to explain what God's omniscience might imply. Now even if we leave behind whatever framework originally required the concept Pandora Jewelry of determinism (as Anscombe thinks we've left behind divinelaw ethics) determinism needn't thereby lose it's sense or truth value. Perhaps it would only if the principles governing correct application of this concept consisted in an essential reference to God's knowledge or will.

Highly observant readers will notice that I am the same Max Donner who writes "Notes from the Creative Economy." This step follows the legacy of centuries of research and reports by accountants which have enriched the art world. Legendary artists such as Raphael and Michelangelo included accountants in their team to help their studios build the expertise needed for distinction in the creative economy. Spanish master Diego Velasquez applied his accounting talents to help artistic production achieve even higher standards and was recognized for his achievements with appointments as Chief Accountant and Secretary of the Treasury of the Spanish Empire.

For four years, Lydia Saputo has quietly been designing and importing her Paul Co. collection of bags from the Orient. "I know my name attracts attention," said Saputo, who is the daughter of cheese magnate Lino Saputo. "I wanted the line to become known on its own, not just because people knew my name." All Paul Co. bags are made of leatherlike polyvinyl chloride and polyurethane no http://townwalworthny.com/Toms-Outlet.html animal skins here. "I'm an animal lover, but that doesn't mean I want to walk around with a cotton tote," Saputo said. The purses include snakeskin bucket http://www.projectlocus.org/Toms-outlet.html bags and simple handpainted sateen totes. The standout is a whimsical floral PVC purse perfect for spring. The Paul Co. store has lots of bags, but also shoes, earrings and clothing that Saputo picks up on her travels.

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