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已有 318 次阅读2013-6-19 13:24 | pliage longcha

Note that not all open source licenses have the same restrictions as the GPL. I believe BSD, MIT and some other licenses would be compatible. They only apply to those who take the code and use it. So, if you wrote all the code yourself then you do whatever you want including releasing it on the Mac/iPhone App Stores. If you didn write all the code, then you need permission from anyone who ever wrote even one http://www.projectlocus.org/Oakley-Sunglasses.html line. All of the GPL apps which have been pulled, were pulled because one (or more) of the developers demanded that it be taken down. Once that happens, Apple must pull it, or they face criminal charges. Abhi Beckert Dec 1 '11 at 4:12

If Obama said that working class whites cling to feelings of antipathy to immigrants and those unlike them because of economic uncertainties, then Buchanan would certainly agree with Obama. Buchanan has fashioned a career out of arguing that illegal immigration really hurts this country. Then you say you agree with Obama as well, and that being against illegal immigration does not make one against immigrants in general. Well, if you agree with him how then is Obama's statement elitist? He is saying people act on their economic uncertainites. You and Buchanan seem to http://www.projectlocus.org/Toms-outlet.html agree. What is the big deal?

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