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已有 430 次阅读2013-6-19 01:12 | Pandora Bracel

Finally, the release of Stompin' Stu: The Story of BMX Legend Stu Thomsen the movie is available. From the makers of award winning film, Joe Kid on a Stingray. Stompin' Stu is a true story about perhaps the most dominant BMX racer in history, Stu Thomsen. From his battles off the track to his battles on the track, Stompin' Stu is most importantly a film about being inspired. Starring: Stu Thomsen , Perry "PK" Kramer, Jesse James, Tommy Brackens, Eddy King, Brian Lopes, Scot Clark, Greg Hill, Rod Beckering, Skip Hess, Linn Kastan, Scot Breithaupt, Bob Hadley, Greg Grubbs, Brent Patterson, Brian Patterson, Lance Patterson, Ronnie Anderson, Bob Haro, Dennis Dain, Tanya Thomsen, Hans Thomsen, Madeline Thomsen, Jacob Thomsen, Steve Giberson, Bob Todesco, Dana "The Duke of Oakley" Duke. Bonus Features list: Stu's Signature STR1 Bike Pools Parks East Vs. West Hoody Hoo Olympic talk Stu's Attic The History of the Flight Crank by Linn Kastan The History of Redline by Linn Kastan The History of the Motomag by Skip Hess The Duke of Oakley on the first Oakley Goggles Stu on Jumping Cars Special, Get free shipping on a poster with the purchase of a DVD. Approx. 48 min. UK versions might be available from the likes of Allans, etc.

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